Thursday, June 20, 2019

The TRAIN Ride to Bergamo

On Tuesday the 18th, it was a nice day, a good day, and a traveling day. Perfect for a train ride. We had tickets that had one change; in Milan. So we arrive at the Basel train station, early of course. Well, we went looking for the accessibility office and finally found it hidden in a back alley. The lady said I should have called the station an hour before the train was supposed to leave and ask for assistance. I told her that I was not aware of that and I did not know what number to call if I did. BTW - we were talking with her about an hour before the trains scheduled departure. Anyway, we met her at the track and waited for the train to Milan. Well, first they announced that it was delayed 10 minutes because of a problem in another country. Then after about another half hour announced that the train had been cancelled and we had to go to a different track for a train that would take us part way.
Got on that train and at the first stop, the train broke down, so we had to go to another train and change one more time to finally get to Milan.
Well, that last change car had no A/C and it was very hot outside, so we sweated (or glowed) for that ride. We had the two large suitcases, the scooter and two backpacks. Many people helped us with the luggage along the way, but there was one young lady who helped us most of all, Sarah. If not for her we would probably still be in Basel waiting for the train.
In Milan we needed to catch a train to Bergamo. Well, we caught one and it was during rush hour and it was MOBBED. Lilia and I stood all the way. Now, if you have ever seen the NYC Subway trains that have been covered in graffiti and were older than sin, these must have been the leftovers.
In my opinion, those trains were leftovers from the Mussolini era. And believe or not the cattle car we endured for over one hour is labeled first class. I wonder what economy class is. Maybe the roof.
Needless to say, we arrived in Bergamo and Chiara and her mom were there to greet us and then drove and came with us to the apartment. It is in the high city (Citta Alta) and not accessible by car, unless it’s a taxi. We went on the Funicular (cable car) and our AirBnB was about 200 feet away from the cable car exit. We all went up and met the person with the apartment key. It is on the third floor and the person who met us helped carry the luggage. What an awesomely beautiful apartment and location!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, quite a day! You must have been exhausted. But now, enjoy Bergamo...Lois


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