Sunday, June 30, 2019

Rome Adventures (delayed entry)

We actually arrived in Rome on June 25th and got settled in at the Mecenate Palace Hotel next to the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore. As mentioned before there was a minor earthquake that night.

Santa Maria Maggiore is the papal Basilica, a lot of big functions and ceremonies of the Vatican big wigs take place there, but the most remarkable thing of all is that Bernini's mortal remains are buried to the right of the baldacchino. On the back of the left nave is a beautiful monument to his memory.

Our friends, Ken, Brenda, David and Sam arrived the next morning from New Jersey and Pennsylvania and got settled in.
We then went on a tour of the Colosseum, forum and more. Unfortunately, Europe is having an extreme heat wave this week so that made things a little uncomfortable, but it was a great tour. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and had many stories to tell.

The next day we went on a tour of the Vatican. The day was even hotter and the tour was very fast (not in time, but in walking rate). We saw much, but missed much also and since it was so hot, many people were uncomfortable.

On the third day... sound like a prayer (creed). Actually, that's what I was doing during our visit to the Vatican. Praying I wouldn't pass out or have a heat stroke.  The heat was horrendous and the crowd much worse. I have labeled this tour my Roman Via Crucis. Sorry about the blasphemous comparison.

The fourth day we went down to Pompeii and had a tour of the ruins. Weather was better and the tour guide was great, that is until she asked Lilia how her father (me) was holding up. Returned to Rome the same day.
Next entry will be our trip to Venice.

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